Opening Hours: Mon – Fri 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM •  Sat, Sun, Public Holidays Closed

Patient Information

Information At Your Fingertips

If you are a new patient to our clinic, please arrive at least five minutes before your consultation or fill out a new patient form here and bring the following to your consultation:

  • Photo ID
  • A valid Medicare card
  • Valid OSHC/OVC membership detail
  • Workcover patients will need to inform their employer and bring their employer’s contact details for verification to arrange payment.


Muswellbrook Doctors is a bulk billing practice.

Most consultations are time-based and will incur private fees for patients whoare not eligible under the bulk-billing criteria. Fees are payable at consultation by cash, credit card or EFTPOS.

BULK BILLING IS AVAILABLE to eligible patient groups for most of the consultation types:

  • New patient form
  • A valid Medicare cards
  • Valid OSHC/OVC membership details
  • Health Care Card holders
  • Pensioner Concession Card holders


New Patients Welcome

Appointments may be booked in person or by calling (02) 6530 7404 Monday to Friday 08:00 am – 5:00 pm. Regular appointment times are 10 minutes. If you feel you need a longer appointment, please discuss this with the receptionist at the time of booking.

Practice Policies


A follow-up appointment is usually required to receive results. Telephone advice will only be given if authorised by your doctor. Muswellbrook Doctors will attempt to contact you regarding any urgent results.

Telephone Enquiries

We value our patients’ concerns, so please leave a clear message with the reception staff and your doctor will return your call when possible.

Additional Information

Every staff member is bound by the signed privacy clause in the employment agreement. All information received during a consultation between a doctor and the patient is considered personal and private health information. Medical information includes past medical and social history, current health issues and future medical care. Doctors, staff and contractors maintain the privacy of personal information. Medical records are the property of the practice. Only written requests for access to medical records are accepted.

Zero-tolerance Policy

Our practice has a zero-tolerance policy for any form of aggressive or intimidating behaviour, verbal or physical. Any person acting in an aggressive or intimidating manner in person will be asked to leave the premises immediately, or if this occurs over the phone, the phone call will be ended immediately. We are committed to providing quality customer service. We will treat you with courtesy and respect. You can help us by treating our staff the same way.

Communication with your Health Professional Policy

Phone calls are not transferred to the doctors during consultations. Phone calls to your doctor will be put through initially to the nurse if available, or the nurse will return your call as soon as possible. The nurse will then discuss any concerns with your doctor and get them to call you as required. If your doctor has asked you to phone, please advise reception, and you will be put through, or a message will be taken for the doctor to return your call as soon as possible. We do not accept requests for clinical information over email since we cannot assess and examine your condition correctly.


All members of Muswellbrook Doctors understand the importance of respecting confidentiality with the information they receive during their employment. Medical details will only be shared with fellow professionals outside the Practice Team with the patient’s informed consent.


Electronic medical information is transmitted via encrypted format using secure messaging software. Printed medical information is mailed through the secure post (i.e., with a tracking number). Patient diagnostic correspondence and results, whether in electronic or hard copy format, are always forwarded to the relevant doctor. The word “Confidential” is written on the correspondence. Patient information is only sent via email if it is securely encrypted. We do not accept patient enquiries or requests via email. We also do not send patient information to personal email addresses.


Facsimiles, printers and other electronic communication devices are only accessible to doctors and other authorised staff. All faxes containing confidential information are only faxed to numbers after checking the details are correct.

Computerised Records

Specific systems have been put in place to protect the privacy, security and integrity of our patient records. All staff members are trained in computer security. IT Support oversees the maintenance and security of our computers.

Communication Assistance

Please notify our reception team upon arrival if you require assistance with communication (e.g., a translator). A phone interpreter may be available. If you require an Auslan sign language interpreter during your appointment, book online at: or by phoning 1800 246 945.

Smoking, Drugs and Alcohol Policy

As a healthcare provider, our aim is to promote the health and well-being of all members of the practice team, patients and others whilst on our premises. Smoking is therefore not permitted in this practice and is discouraged on the premises or the surrounding area. The use of illegal drugs and alcohol is prohibited on and around the site.

No member of the practice team should present for work if under the adverse effects of alcohol or illegal drugs.


Practice team members who are smokers should make an effort to remove any nicotine odour on or about clothing and self, prior to returning to duty.

No smoking signs are visible in the waiting and reception area and these signs are not to be removed, except to replace worn or frayed items.

Brochures and posters for ‘QUIT’ and related no smoking and drug free strategies are placed in the waiting room and visibly displayed to demonstrate our commitment to better health strategies.

Compliments and Complaints

We constantly strive to give patients the best possible care and attention, but if you are dissatisfied with any element of our service, please bring this to our attention so we can do better next time.

If this does not resolve your problem, we welcome receiving your complaint in writing. We will acknowledge your complaint in writing or contact you to discuss the way forward.  Your complaint will be investigated, and you will be advised of the outcome.

However, if you are still unsatisfied, you can write to The Health Care Complaints Commission by clicking here. The HCCC protects public health and safety by resolving, investigating and prosecuting complaints about healthcare. It is an independent body that was established under the Health Care Complaints Act 1993. The organisation has a central role in maintaining the integrity of the NSW health system, with the overarching aim of protecting the health and safety of individuals and the community.

Useful Resources

(Advance Care Planning, Wills, Power of Attorney, Enduring Guardian)



We invite all existing and new patients who consider us to be your preferred practice, to register for MyMedicare. To complete a registration, scan the QR code or register using the link provided on this page. If you have any questions, please contact our team.

What is MyMedicare?

The Australian Government has introduced a new voluntary patient registration model called MyMedicare to drive improvements in primary health care for all Australians and deliver new funding packages to primary care providers. MyMedicare will strengthen the relationship between patients and their health care teams by allowing patients to register with their regular general practice and select their preferred GP and providers within the practice. This registration aims to strengthen the relationship between you, your GP, and the team at Muswellbrook Doctors. For more information, please see the Registering in MyMedicare Factsheet for Patients.

What are the benefits of MyMedicare for our patients?

The key benefits to you include better access, better continuity of care, and better planning. Registration in MyMedicare is not compulsory, however it is recommended to improve continuity of care for patients. You can also change your mind and leave the program at any time. It does not affect your Medicare rights or benefits. Please reach out to our team if you have any questions.


Muswellbrook Doctors is a bulk billing practice.

We Bulk bill patients 16 and under DVA card holders, Concession and Pensioner card holders.

If you do not have a Medicare card, you will incur a fee payable at the time of the consult I which can be claimed back through your Private Insurance.

Please use the online booking button on this page or call the practice on (02) 6530 7404 to make an appointment.

Please bring:

  • Photo ID
  • Medicare card
  • Any concession cards

Telehealth is offered under some circumstances, please check with the practice via telephone if this is available to you (02) 6530 7404.



Our patient scheduling system is flexible enough to accommodate patients with urgent, non-urgent, complex and planned chronic care, and preventative needs.

The individual preference of our general practitioners or other healthcare providers, such as our nurses, is accommodated and members of the clinical team are consulted about the length and scheduling of appointments.

Patients can request to see their preferred general practitioner or member of the health team.

The length of clinical consultations will vary according to individual patient needs. Our aim is to provide enough time for adequate communication between patients and their practitioners to facilitate preventative care, effective record keeping and patient satisfaction. Patients are encouraged to ask for a longer appointment if they think it is necessary.

Our practice endeavours to accommodate patients with urgent medical matters even when fully booked.

All practice team members are trained to have the skills and knowledge to assist patients in determining the most appropriate length and timing of consultations and to recognise and act accordingly for patients with urgent medical matters.

Where possible, information is provided in advance about the cost of healthcare and the potential for out-of-pocket expenses.

We endeavour to respect patients’ cultural backgrounds and, where possible, meet their needs including providing privacy for patients and others in distress.


Each general practitioner and other healthcare provider (such as nurses and allied health) have specific times allocated to their consulting sessions to accommodate the need for interval times, short and long consultations, diagnostic tests, procedures etc. Each general practitioner also has a designated time allocated for home or other visits to see patients that are unable to attend the practice.

Generally, no more than six (6) appointments are made for any one (1) hour period and we aim to ensure no appointment is scheduled for less than ten (10) minutes. Patients are advised that one appointment is required for each family member requesting to be seen where more than one family member needs to consult with a general practitioner.

Patients can request their preferred general practitioner when making an appointment and our practice team will endeavour to ensure that patients generally see the same practitioner. If patients are unable to obtain an appointment with the general practitioner of their choice, they are advised of the availability of other practitioners they can consult with. A patient can expect to see their practitioner, or an alternative as approved, within two (2) working days.

If a third party is to be present during a consultation/treatment, whether requested by the general practitioner or accompanying the patient, consent from the patient will be obtained prior to the consultation (refer to Section – Third party observing or clinically involved in the consultation).

Our practice information sheet outlines the types of consultations that may require a longer consultation and the costs. Patients can readily request a longer time when making an appointment.

Our practice team members have the skills and knowledge to assist in determining the most appropriate length and timing of appointments. Should a longer consultation be requested or is determined by information received from the patient, our team will endeavour to allocate the appropriate time for a longer consultation.

Our practice aims to ensure patients do not wait past their appointment time; however, where patients will likely be waiting more than 30 minutes, we will communicate these delays. Wherever significant delays are expected, we aim to contact patients prior to them attending the practice to advise of the delay.

As a priority, practice team members are vigilant of the need to detect and place requests for urgent care for immediate or timely attention by a general practitioner; our practice accommodates urgent care even if we are fully booked (refer to Section – Medical emergencies and urgent queries).

Cancellations and ‘no-shows’ are monitored and marked accordingly in the appointments schedule and these patients are followed up as appropriate. Attempts to contact patients that fail to attend appointments are documented in the patient’s health record.

Appointments made for patients required to attend a recall or periodic medical review are flagged so that if a patient cancels the appointment the practice team are alerted to ensure another appointment time is schedule. If the patient fails to attend the practice for the appointment, the general practitioner is alerted to determine the appropriate action to be taken (i.e. contacting the patient to arrange a re-scheduled appointment time) (refer to Section – Follow up of tests, results and referrals).

When booking an appointment, our practice team members obtain the patient’s name and correctly identify the patient using three (3) approved identifiers in accordance with Section – Patient identification then:

  • Determine the urgency of the appointment
  • Determine the length of the appointment required (i.e. does the patient have complex medical or communication needs or multiple health matters they want to discuss?)
  • Annotate any appointments made for a periodic review (e.g. blood pressure check) or medical recall (e.g. abnormal pathology result) so follow up procedures can be instigated if the patient does not attend
  • Advise of any potential for additional or out-of-pocket costs associated with longer, urgent or missed consultations
  • If the general practitioner requested is not available at the preferred time, give the nearest available time/day before asking the patient if another general practitioner would be suitable
  • Provide suggested appointment times if needed
  • Record the patient surname and given name in the agreed timeslot for the chosen general practitioner, and
  • Verbally re-confirm to the patient their name, scheduled appointment time and general practitioner being seen.

If the patient scheduling the appointment is new to the practice:

  • Inform them of the practice location and parking arrangements
  • Outline consultation costs and payment methods
  • Obtain their contact telephone number/s, address and other demographics, and
  • Ask the patient to bring list of current medications where applicable.

Cancellations and missed appointments

Patients who do not attend for their scheduled appointment are telephoned to determine if an appointment is still required and if another appointment is to be scheduled. If the patient cannot attend the same day, use computer program instructions to delete the appointment whilst enabling the tracking of the cancellation for medico-legal purposes.

Patients that fail to attend a recall or periodic medical review appointment

For appointments of significance, it is imperative every attempt is made to contact these patients and that such attempts are documented in the patient’s health record in Medical Software and in the recall book.

In attempting to contact the patient, it is recommended that the telephone calls are made at different times of the day and should the patient not respond, a follow up letter is sent requesting the patient contact the practice (also refer to Section – Follow up of tests, results and referrals).

Patients in distress

We respectfully manage patients and others in distress by providing privacy through access to quiet private room.

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